
The most common thought to individuals wanting to lose weight is “I mustn’t have fat”. When you drop unhelpful carbs, you need to burn something – and that wonderful something is fat! A low carb coupled with a low fat is a big NO NO! Fat prevents hunger, improves MOOD and prevents overeating as your body is satisfied. Healthy fat does NOT make you fat. Avoid seed oils and margarine, and enjoy healthy fats such as real farm butter, coconut oil and avocados.

We urge you to not leave salt out of your healthy lifestyle. Himalayan salt is wonderful. We need sodium! Insulin is partly responsible for telling your kidneys not to excrete sodium, so on a Low Carb Good Fat eating plan (which brings about low insulin), you excrete more sodium, so its even more important to replenish salt, or else you will be short of this vital nutrient. Salt is not evil, it’s an essential electrolyte!

A food journal is an exceptionally helpful tool to monitor why you’re not losing any weight. Use it to work out the carb content and whether you need to try less low carbs than before. Remember that snacking is unhelpful if you want to lose weight. It keeps blood glucose and insulin levels high all day!

Our last weight-loss preventer is Sleep Deprivation. Scientific research has proved that it is strongly linked to obesity. Not getting enough sleep makes you hungrier the next day and prone to over eating, and unhealthy snacking!

To book a consultation with Mama Wanda for a tailored eating plan – please use the contact form on Mama Wanda’s Crossover page.